Creative Coaching Programs

  • 30-day LinkedIn publishing plan

    LinkedIn is one of the most powerful platforms for publishing your ideas, connecting with peers, and advancing your career.

    This coaching program equips you with a 30-day blueprint: A publishing calendar, guidance to create your content, and feedback to advance your personal objectives.

    Similar to a personal training regimen, you will receive consistent coaching to help you build up your confidence, understand why you’re observing particular trends on LinkedIn, and what to expect in terms of outcomes. You’ll also learn how GenAI can help you build on your original thinking to reach more people.

    As part of this program, you will also receive access to Give your perspectives momentum to help you learn to publish longer-form content, beyond simple status updates, reactions, and comments.

  • 30-day writing journey

    This program is ideal for anyone seeking to become more confident with their writing.

    Tell us your goals, and we’ll create a 30-day, prompt-based program customized to the skills that you want to advance. It will take you 15 minutes per session, and you’ll receive actionable feedback to help you strengthen your writing skills along the way.

    Following this coaching program, you’ll receive a license to Give your perspectives momentum, so you can continue building upon your ideas.

  • 3-part editorial planning session

    From developing a presentation to publishing an article in a major media outlet, we’ll work with you to create the perfect narrative.

    Here’s how it works:

    Part I
    • Complete a Q&A to advance your thinking.

    Part II
    • Meet for 60 minutes to discuss answers to your Q&A, to help you shape your ideation into a story structure.
    • Follow-up with notes encapsulating next steps and additional recommendations.

    Part III
    • Meet for another 30 minutes to answer final questions.

    The approach is ideal for articles (under 1,000 words), planning briefs for deeper creative projects, landing pages, and presentations under 15 slides.

    As part of this program, you’ll get access to Give your perspectives momentum, so that you can continue to advance your idea.

Request more info.

Use this form or email to get in touch! We look forward to hearing from you and will respond within 48 hours.

What people say…

  • "Ritika and Justin provided me with the resources, actionable steps, and confidence I needed to work for myself and start my own company—and turn my passion for writing into my main source of income, in less than a year. Most importantly, Ritika and Justin are some of the most empathetic, creative, and hardworking individuals that I have ever come in contact with. Their commitment to serving others is rare in Silicon Valley, and every community they touch is better because of them.”

    — Kati Holland, founder at Not Pot and Pearl Butter